Flash Play Interest & Commitment Form

This fun event is open to all rising 9th graders, current Pope HS students, and recent graduates.  We will be producing an entire play (about 30 minutes) in 24-hours including lights, sound, costumes, etc.  Bring your friends for a exciting day full of adrenaline and theatre. 


EVERYBODY will be in the show.  No one will be cut. Auditions & the questions on the form above are to help us place you. We will need 4 production teams (Directors, SMs, Costumes, etc.) and up to 30 actors.


Audition Date: July 19, 4:00p - 6:00p

        1 monologue (comedic or dramatic); Total audition should be 2 minutes or less. A monologue will be provided for anyone who doesn't have a monologue.


Rehearsal: July 20, 7a-6p 

Performance: July 20, 7p


Strike: July 20 immediately after the performance (EVERYTHING must be put away and cleared out of the PAC.)

Item DescriptionPriceQty

Are you interested in being the student lead for any of the above technical areas?

If you said yes, which tech area are you interested in leading?

List any experience or skills you have that might apply. (tumbling, leadership, etc.)

Because this show happens in 24 hours, no conflicts are allowed. Please type below: "I do not have any conflicts."

My family has examined our family, school, and other schedules. We commit to the rehearsal schedule, performance dates, set build, and strike.

Actors and crew may be photographed, including but not limited to rehearsals, cast/crew photos, and performances. Photos may be used for publicity reasons.

You were cast to portray this part partially based on the look you bring to the character. During the rehearsal and performance period of the show you may not change your hair color or have your hair cut unless you clear it with the director first.

The non-refundable fee of $40 to participate in this production is due at checkout.

Although this is a 24-hr project, we still may ask for some help. Pope Theater is a volunteer organization that survives and thrives on volunteer time to make quality productions a reality for our students. I understand that the PTBC board members will contact me via email or phone regarding volunteer opportunities.

By typing my name below, I verify the truthfulness of the statements made in this document and understand the commitment I am making.

 Flash Play Show Fees$40.00