
Mary Lennox, a spoiled young English girl, lives a lavish life with her wealthy parents in imperial India. But when her parents die from a cholera outbreak, she is sent off to live at her Uncle Archibald’s manor in England, a place she has never been to. In this new, unfamiliar home, she learns to care for herself, something she never had to do before. After roaming free around the grounds of her uncle’s Misselthwaite Manor, she brings it upon herself to discover the legend of the manor’s “secret garden”, locked away years ago. She sets out to discover the secrets the manor holds and hopes to bring the garden back to life, lightening everyone’s lives when they need it most.



MARY LENNOX ........................ Mary Lennox is a young girl orphaned while living a fancy life in India with her parents, forcing her to move to England to live with her Uncle Archibald and his servants. Her spoiled, entitled demeanor clashes with life at the manor but her quest to unlock the secrets of a hidden garden within the estate transforms her into a loving and spirited friend to those around her.


COLIN........................................Colin Craven is Archibald Craven's ten-year-old son and heir. He was born shortly after the death of his mother, and his father could not bear to look at him because of his resemblance to her. It is feared that he will grow to be a hunchback like his father, and he has been treated as terminally ill since his birth. Colin's childhood has been entirely bedridden. As a result, Colin is certain he is going to die. By the end, however, he too will have undergone a transformation.


DICKON..................................... Two years older than Colin and Mary, Dickon has lived on Misselthwaite’s grounds his entire life, and has a uniquely intimate relationship with the land. He possesses the unique power of taming animals, and has many pets. His power to tame creatures works on Colin and Mary as well, and is one of the central causes of their wondrous transformations. 


MRS. MEDLOCK....................... Mrs. Medlock is the head servant at Misselthwaite Manor. She is staunchly obedient, adhering to all of Archibald Craven's strange rules.


ARCHIBALD CRAVEN.............. The master of Misselthwaite Manor, Archibald suffers from a crooked spine and an array of health complications. Ever since the death of his wife ten years ago, he has been caught in a deep, unerring depression. Archibald spends most of his time abroad, wanting nothing more than to see neither his house nor his son, Colin, because they remind him of his late wife. The story sees him undergo a magnificent change of heart when he’s visited by his wife in a dream, completing his development from a miserable, lonely sap to a joyful and optimistic man.


MARTHA ................................... Mary's friend and maidservant, Martha is distinguished by her charming frankness and level headed approach to all aspects of life. Her simplicity and kindness are a great help to Mary upon her arrival at Misselthwaite. In her very ordinariness, Martha represents the goodness of all the people of Yorkshire.


MRS. SOWERBY...................... The mother of Martha and Dickon (as well as of twelve other children). She is all-nurturing and all-knowing. Both Mary and Colin express the wish that she were their mother.


NURSE...................................... A servant that attends to Colin. She sees the error in the way Colin is being treated, but knows with her status, her opinion doesn’t matter.


  1. CRAVEN ............................Archibald's brother and Colin's uncle, he tends to Colin during his illness. He is a bit stuffy and officious. Described as a weak man, he half-hopes for Colin's death so that he might inherit Misselthwaite.


MRS. CRAWFORD ................... Mrs. Crawford, a clergyman's wife, takes the orphaned Mary Lennox into her home before she travels to England.


JANE ......................................... A young servant who brings Mary her breakfast. Mary is less than kind to her.


BETTY....................................... A maid at Misselthwaite Manor and one of Mrs. Sowerby’s children. She struggles with Mary’s impudent attitude.


MISS WIGGIN ........................... Mary’s governess. She knows how to deal with children, but Mary is less than happy to have a governess.


KANCHI..................................... Mrs. Crawford’s travel servant.


COOK........................................ The head cook at Misselthwaite Manor.


PHIL........................................... Dickon’s brother, works in the stables.


JOHN......................................... One of Mrs. Sowerby’s children.


LILIAS........................................ Archibald's late wife, who died ten years before. Her spirit is associated with both roses and the secret garden. She is described by all who knew her as the gentlest, sweetest, and most beautiful of women. She comes to the garden as a spirit.



Choose one monologue for your audition. We’d love for you to have it memorized. We’d also love to hear a British accent, but don’t feel pressured to do one. 


MARY: Your father hates that garden. He was the one who locked the door and buried the key. I intend to reclaim that garden. Your father said I might have any bit of earth I wanted. I want to have the secret garden. You see, if no one knows but ourselves, it would be so much nicer. It would be special. If the garden was a secret, we could get into it and watch the flowers grow bigger every day. No one would ever know we were there.


MRS. MEDLOCK: Staff, I don’t wish to repeat myself. Pay strict attention. AS you know, a young lady is coming to stay here at Misselthwaite Manor. Mary Lennox. She has no one else in the world. She’s to be left to herself, more or less. I understand she’s a moody child. Above all else, there is to be no mention of….. well, you know who. Mr. Craven’s orders. Do you understand?


MARTHA: Dickon is me brother. You’ll like him. He knows all about making gardens bloom. And when it comes to the animals, he’s the best friend they’ve got. Birds come and eat out of his hand. However little there is to eat, he always saves a bit of his bread to coax his pets. Now, I can’t stand and chatter, Miss Mary. I got me duties. Take a walk outside the house. Get to know the place. That’s me advice. If you get hungry, Cook will fix you something. 


MRS. SOWERBY: I suppose you have a right to know. There was a terrible accident. The garden was your aunt’s favorite spot. She tended it all by herself. Roses, mostly. She was just a bit of a girl. There was an old tree with a branch bent like a seat on it. One day, when she was sitting there, the branch broke and she fell to the ground. Hurt so bad that next day she died. The doctors thought Mr. Craven would go out of his mind and die, too, but he didn’t. That’s why he hates that walled garden and won’t never let anyone go in there. He loved his Lilias so.

ARCHIBALD: Hmmph. Well, I suppose you’ve heard I’m a hunchback. I’m not. My back isn’t very straight, that’s all. I fear I know nothing of children. Legally, I am your guardian, though I am a poor one for any child. I can give you neither time nor attention. I am too ill and wretched and distracted. I sent for you today because Mrs. Sowerby said I ought to see you. I’m fond of Mrs. Sowerby. She’s kind and respectable. I listen to her advice. I don’t know when I shall see you again, if ever. But I do wish you to be happy and comfortable. Play out of doors as much as you can. Mrs. Sowerby says it would do you good. Do you want toys, books, dolls?


COLIN: I don’t want to live. But I don’t want to die. When I feel ill, I lie in bed and think about it until I cry and cry. My doctor is my father’s cousin. He is quite poor, and, if I die, he will have all Misselthwaite when my father passes on. I should think he wouldn’t want me to live. (Beat) I want to see that garden. I want the key dug up. I want the door unlocked. I could go there in my chair. That would be getting fresh air. I am going to make them open the door.


DICKON: I do know a lot. I ain’t ashamed to admit that. But I’m not the head gardener. I help out a few days a week. Only it’s every day now that old Ben Weatherstaff is laid up with a broken leg. He ain’t as young as he’d like to be. I know who you are – you’re Mary Lennox! You’ve come all the way from India. I guess you’ve met all kinds of strange animals and such. Like elephants. I envy you. I ain’t never seen an elephant. ‘Cepting in picture books.


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  3. Complete "Student Directed Interest Form" under Information Forms
  4. Sign up for an audition time (if you're an actor) under "Auditions & Other Sign-up Opportunities"



Fees: Actors - $240; Tech - $175, Due October 28